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Пальто "Lari Oversize" из шерсти без подклада

Пальто "Lari Oversize" из шерсти без подклада

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Стильное и эффектное пальто "Lari Oversize"  - эксклюзивная модель ручной работы. Выполненное из премиальной двухслойной шерсти оно лёгкое и невероятно тёплое. В нём вы не найдете машиной строчки, каждый стежок выполнен исключительно вручную в уникальной технике невидимых швов.

Состав: 100% шерсть
На модели: размер onesize
Vendor code: IV-3253
Modnyj sezon shopping center

Moscow, 2 Okhotny ryad st.
Opening hours: 10:00 - 22:00
Phone: 8 (800) 511-88-30



Delivery of orders is carried out by DHL Express

Europe and USA - 2-4 days*
Other countries 3-7 days

* Timelines provided are approximate. IREN VARTIK does not take responsibility for the delay of items at the border, or in case of delay in payment for the service.

Return policy

You can return the goods to any IREN VARTIK store, provided that it is located on the territory of the market where you made the purchase.

If you choose to pay in cash upon delivery, you can return the order only to the store where the delivery was made.

Couldn’t find your size? — Contact us
Each order is unique
We wrap each order with branded paper, put a sticker, and add a card individually signed by Iren Vartik. With this, we show that each order is unique for us.